Xxx, Cléa.
Margot &Cléa + Guests
The blog was created by two girls who wanted to share their ideas about what is fashion with pictures, photoshoots, drawings, movies, interviews...
We are also showing pictures of the parties where we go, some design, some playlists, a lot of random pictures..
We could say to you that it's like a big public scrap book.
We're also having collaborators that write some articles for us.
We hope you will enjoy !
Cléa où pense tu que je pourrais trouver des bijoux (abordables)comme ça? Sinon votre blog est super(l)
Lol que des trucs que je pourrais même pas m'offrir dans une prochaine vie ^^ Pas grave c'est joli à regarder, même sur les autres.
wow article dingue
d'où viennent les double finger rings stp?
bonne continuation ma belle
Parfait le sac YSL!
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